To Our Clients:
If you want your testimonial or personal story posted on the website:
- It can be an inspiration for another client if you are willing to tell your story!
- Also, this can be a tool for you to remember what you did when things started turning around for you and you discovered what worked in your life!
Turn “your story” and the “permission to post” into your therapist in an envelope marked as follows*:
For example:
“Confidential: Please give to Melissa”
and either: Testimonial for “Your Initials” or Testimonial for Anonymous
Inside your envelope, we need your personal story on how you are recovering in counseling.
Different stories will be posted as they are received.
Note to Clients: Please do not include complaints that need to be addressed with your therapist. This story is your recovery story. Keep it positive! Please keep it to a maximum of 25 words. You will receive a typed copy of your personal story as a Thank you!
Note to Therapists: Please put your client’s testimonial into the Brunswick Confidential File drawer in the file named “Testimonials for Melissa to Post”. She will file the permission form in the client’s chart after it is posted.